Know Your Hair Type Through Tridosha!


The word “hair care” refers to various aspects of both cosmetology and hygiene.

The way one should take care of their hair will vary depending on their hair type and the different hair processes that can be used. Hair is a representation of the diversity in humankind because not all hair is created equal.

Hair maintenance is crucial for our general hygiene as well as our appearance. Our finest appearance and the health of our hair and scalp are both made possible by having healthy hair.


The three vital energies Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, according to Ayurveda, control our body functions.

Your hair’s health and type are determined by this.

  • VATA

If your Prakriti is Vata-dominant, you will have a Vata hair type. Normal Vata hair is typically thin, straight, and porous.

Your scalp and hair get dry and your sebum production is drastically reduced as the Vata dosha becomes more severe in your body. In the end, this causes split ends, dry, frizzy hair, and hair loss.


If your Prakriti is predominantly Pitta, you will have Pitta-type hair. Pitta controls the generation of pigments and hair proteins as well as the metabolic functions in the hair.

A Pitta’s hair is usually moderate in thickness and wavy. Pitta imbalance results in premature greying of blocked follicles from bacteria buildup, scalp inflammation, redness, hair loss, etc.


If your Prakriti is predominately Kapha, you will have a Kapha hair type. Kapha Hair is curly, thick, and shiny.

Any imbalance in the Kapha dosha causes your scalp to overproduce sebum, which finally results in oily dandruff, a greasy scalp, itching, hair loss, etc.

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