Treat Obesity The Ayurveda Way!

- In Ayurveda, Atisthaulya (Obesity) is defined as an excessive buildup of Mamsa (muscle tissue) and Meda (adipose tissue), which results in chubbiness of the breast, abdomen, and hips.
In Ayurveda, it is regarded as one of the Santarpanottha Vikaras (illness brought on by consuming too many calories). One of the risk factors for ischemic heart disease may be medodushti.
Obesity (Sthaulya) is the buildup of extra body fat that can have a negative impact on health, shorten life expectancy, and cause other health issues. Obesity and overweight may be largely responsible for the burden of diseases such as diabetes, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, ischemic stroke, osteoarthritis, and cancer.
Due to its link to worsening mental health outcomes, obesity is a complex health issue that must be addressed.
- Increased consumption of meals heavy in fat and carbs that are also energy-dense
- Unhealthy eating patterns and overeating
- Physical inactivity brought on by a sedentary lifestyle
- Genetics, endocrine conditions, medical issues, or mental illness
- Sleeping throughout the day
- Breathing difficulties despite little physical effort or activity.
- Lack of motivation to work
- Excessive sweating and unpleasant body odor.
- Extreme hunger
- Feeling of exhaustion
- Too much sleep
- Virechan
- Vaman
- Lekhan Basti
- Guggul
- Guduchi
- Vidanga
- Musta
- Sunthi
- Amla
- Vaca
- Daruharidra
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