Ayurvedic Treatments for Asthma!

HOME REMEDIES These Ayurvedic home remedies may aid in easing asthma symptoms and reducing the number of asthma attacks. Garlic and ginger cloves One of the most effective herbs for treating inflammation is ginger. To relieve the Kapha accumulation in the airways and so avoid asthma attacks, mix a half cup of ginger tea with two or three crushed garlic […]

Know What are Symptoms & Causes of Asthma!

Bronchial asthma is known as Tamaka Swasa in Ayurveda, and it is thoroughly detailed in Charaka Samhita. According to Ayurveda, the Vata and Kapha doshas are primarily responsible for swasa.  A persistent inflammatory condition affecting the airways is bronchial asthma. It causes your airways to constrict, and swell and may create more mucus. This can make breathing challenging and cause […]

Why You Should Give Suvarna Prashan Drops To Your Child This Pushya Nakshatra?

Suvarna Prashan/Swarna Prashana is an ancient practice of giving children Suvarna bhasma (incinerated gold) on the auspicious day of Pushya Nakshatra. Pushya is one of the 27 nakshatras. Pushya is considered as most auspicious among other stars, they call it “The Star of Nourishment”. Suvarna Prashan is mentioned in ancient ayurvedic texts as a unique method of boosting immunity and […]

Treat Anemia With Ayurveda!

HOME REMEDIES FOR ANEMIA Skip the hot, sour, and salty food. These foods create nutritional shortages by sending pitta in an unnatural direction. So it is advised to stay away from them. Utilize nature’s pharmacy to your advantageIn nature, there are several herbs that can help lessen anemia’s consequences. Neem and tulsi are the two greatest examples. Iron is abundant […]

Know More About PANDUROG(Anemia)!

In Ayurveda, Anemia is referred to as PANDUROG. The imbalance of Agni, the digestive fire, which eventually results in the development of Ama, is the pathophysiology of anemia.  Pitta, which is disseminated throughout the body by exacerbated Vata, is the source of this disruption. Anemia is a condition that frequently causes the body’s Agni to be out of balance. The […]

Treat Acidity The Ayurveda Way!

AYURVEDIC HERBS FOR ACIDITY Basil Leaf (Tulsi)Holy basil leaves have calming and digestive effects. This immediately reduces acidity. The leaves encourage the production of mucus in our stomachs, which reduces heartburn. Seeds of fennel (Saunf)This well-liked organic digestion aid is also a terrific mouth freshener. Anethole, a substance found in fennel seeds, calms the stomach lining. It lessens the likelihood […]

Acidity- Causes & Symptoms!

Acidity is known as Amla Pitta in Ayurveda. We can see from the name of the disorder that Pitta Dosha imbalance is the root cause. The elements of Fire and Water control the humor, which in turn controls the digestive fire and stomach enzymes. Belching and acid reflux are symptoms of acidity, also known as hyperacidity, which is the burning […]

Types Of Yoga Asana’s!

In general, asanas help to lubricate the body’s muscles, joints, ligaments, and other structures. This promotes more flexibility and blood flow. They also help improve internal body health because various asanas target various internal body components. Sukhasana – Sukhasana is ideal for reducing anxiety, stress, and mental fatigue. It extends the chest and spine and improves posture. Naukasana – This […]

Home Remedies For Controlling Cholesterol!

Green teaPolyphenols are abundantly found in green tea. These chemicals support the control of blood pressure and maintain the flexibility and health of blood vessels. This encourages the best possible blood flow throughout the body. Eliminating bad cholesterol keeps your shrotas lubricated, supple, and clean.Drink green tea twice a day   Coriander seedsSince ancient times, coriander seeds have been included […]

Know How To Balance Cholesterol!

WHAT IS CHOLESTEROL?The various circulatory channels, known as shrotas, in the body are supported and lubricated by cholesterol, according to Ayurveda. The body’s blood vessels, or shrotas, transport nutrients to and waste away from the cells, respectively. Blood travels to and from the heart through larger shrotas such as the arteries and veins.  Cholesterol helps to continuously lubricate and support […]