Know More About Vata Dosha!

SYMPTOMS OF VATA IMBALANCE: When there is a Vata imbalance, people may feel physical difficulties including Constipation Hypertension Weakness Arthritis Restlessness And other issues with their stomach or digestion.   HOW TO BALANCE VATA: Vata dosha’s characteristics include being Cold Dry Fast Mobile Variable Energetic Eager They typically possess a lean physique and exceptional agility. A Vata-pacifying diet containing foods […]

What is Dosha?

Ayurveda holds that a person’s dosha—a balance of the five elements of the universe known as air, earth, space, water, and fire—determines their level of health. An Ayurvedic Physician can identify a person’s dosha using physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral traits based on years of Ayurvedic practice. The Ayurvedic concept of doshas explains how unhealthy habits, poor diet, excessive work, and […]

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a centuries-old Indian medical practice that specializes in treating illness using natural remedies. The ayurvedic theory and practices are popular in India, with over 80% of the population using them. The universe is made up of five elements according to Ayurveda: air, water, space, ether, and fire. These elements are known as the “Pancha Mahabhoota” in Ayurveda. The […]