Eye Care With Ayurveda!

The three doshas (Vata, pitta, and Kapha) each have five sub doshas that are distributed throughout the body and fulfill specialized duties. Alochaka pitta is found in the pupil of the eye and represents the fire that digests light and visual impressions, with vision being its most essential function.

When alochaka pitta is out of balance, there is either an increase or decrease in the fire element. When there is an increase in a fire in alochaka pitta, it could be due to excessive screen time, direct sunlight in the eyes, irritation from environmental stressors, a pitta-provoking diet lifestyle choices regular routines, or a combination of all of these factors. 

Eye strain, irritation, inflammation, and dryness can be indications of an increased fire in alochaka pitta. The extra heat and intensity that the eyes are feeling will be balanced by cooling, calming, moisturizing, and soothing Ayurvedic remedies for these symptoms.


  • Washing Procedures
    Ayurveda recommends keeping an eyewash routine. Wash your eyes with cool water as soon as you wake up while holding water in your mouth.
  • Practice Trataka
    -Trataka is an Ayurvedic practice in which we fix our gaze on a ghee lamp that is burning.
    -Light a ghee lamp with a cotton wick to use as a practice object. Shut off all of the lights in your room, sit on the floor with your legs crossed, set the ghee lamp there, and stare at it. Place the lamp at a 30-degree viewing angle. Ten minutes a day of practice might assist increase eye luster and strength.


Ayurvedic herbs

There are some herbs used in Ayurveda that have numerous inherent advantages.

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