Identify Your Skin Type!

Skin is categorized based on sebum secretion, moisture, and sensitivity level, among other elements that affect its balance.

As a result, each type of skin will differ in its characteristics and requirements. Although it will also be influenced by other variables and have the potential to alter over time, genetics determines the kind of skin.

There are five categories of healthy skin based on these traits:

  3. DRY
  4. OILY

Identify your skin type!

    This skin is just the right amount of dry and oily. It doesn’t require special maintenance, has a regular texture, is free of flaws, and has a clean, soft appearance.

How to identify normal skin?
-Not too oily or too dry.
-Normal skin is flawless or barely imperfect.
-Not prone to sensitivity.
-Hardly noticeable pores.


In contrast to normal skin, sensitive skin is more likely to react to stimuli. To combat dryness, roughness, and its typical appearance, this skin is delicate and requires more attention.

It is referred to as delicate skin and is typically accompanied by unpleasant sensations like heat, tightness, redness, or itching.

How to identify sensitive skin?
-One of the symptoms is hypersensitivity.
-Often have rashes on your skin.
-Frequent breakouts and redness.
-When exposed to new items, the skin becomes irritated and stings.
-Also includes dryness, skin flaking, cracking, and peeling.


Dry skin is frequently brought on by environmental variables such the climate, low air humidity, and submersion in hot water, and it is typically a temporary condition.

However, it might happen more frequently or even be a lifetime condition for some people. Although often not serious, dry skin can break, increasing its exposure to bacteria.

If not treated appropriately, this can lead to other skin conditions like eczema or make you more susceptible to infections.

How to identify dry skin?
-Dry, scaly skin that lacks moisture.
-Skin itchiness.
-Skin Flaking and Peeling.
-Inflammations that frequently have redness as a side effect.
-Burning feelings.
-Blood-prone skin with cracks.


Oily skin seems porous, damp, and bright. It is brought on by the sebaceous glands’ excessive synthesis of fat, and its development is typically influenced by hormonal or hereditary factors.

It frequently affects teenagers and is typically connected to the development of acne.

How to identify oily skin?
-Having increased facial pores, particularly on the forehead, chin, nose, and T-zone.
-Especially in the afternoon, your face starts to get oily and glossy.
-In the oilier areas of your face, many forms of acne, including pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc., occur.
-You can’t seem to keep your makeup on for more than a few hours before it starts to smudge off.


Since the distribution of perspiration and sebaceous glands are not uniform, it shows features of both dry and oily skin depending on where it is.

The T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) is typically where there is higher oil production, but the skin on the cheeks is either normal or dry.

How to identify combination skin?
-The facial region around the T-zone is normal or dry.
-Possibilities of acne, particularly blackheads and whiteheads in the greasy T-zone.
-T-zone pores that are enlarged.
-Possibility of dry skin problems along the jawline and outer cheekbones.
-Possibility of uneven skin tone.
-Sensitivity of skin.

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