Know all about Skin Diseases!

Skin diseases can be brought on by an imbalance in one of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha), according to Ayurveda.

Rashes, inflammation, itching, and other skin changes can be brought on by these diseases. While some skin diseases may be hereditary, others may be brought on by a person’s lifestyle.

All problems that obstruct, irritate, or inflame your skin are considered skin illnesses. Rashes or other aesthetic alterations to your skin are frequently brought on by skin illnesses.

Treatment options for skin conditions may include pills, lotions, ointments, or lifestyle modifications.


  • Skin cancer- Uncontrolled proliferation of aberrant skin cells is skin cancer.
  • Vitiligo- Skin that loses color in areas is known as vitiligo.
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon- Periodic diminished blood flow to your fingers, toes, or other body parts is known as the Raynaud’s phenomenon and can result in numbness or a change in skin tone.
  • Acne- Acne obstructs the skin follicles that cause an accumulation of dead skin, germs, and oil in your pores.
  • Alopecia areata- loss of hair in tiny patches due to alopecia areata.
  • Rosacea- Rosacea typically manifests as pimples on the face, flushed skin, and thick skin.
  • Eczema- Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is characterized by dry, itchy skin that becomes swollen, cracked, or scaly.
  • Psoriasis- Skin with psoriasis is flaky and may feel hot or swollen.
  • Chickenpox- Children frequently contract the viral disease known as chickenpox, which results in red, itchy patches.


Skin diseases might occur as a result of certain lifestyle choices. Your skin may be impacted by underlying medical issues.

Typical causes of skin conditions include:

  • Bacteria that is entrapped in your hair follicles or pores.
  • Conditions that impact your kidneys, thyroid, or immune system.
  • Environmental triggers, such as allergies or someone else’s skin, come into contact.
  • Genetics
  • Parasites or fungi residing on your skin.
  • Medicines, like those used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
  • Viruses
  • Diabetes
  • Sun


Ayurveda states that treating skin conditions calls for a multifaceted strategy. Ayurveda suggests diet adjustments to balance the troubled Dosha.

The digestive fire can be strengthened with good meals. As a result, toxins or Ama that could hurt the skin are less likely to build.

Effective skin care requires good maintenance, drinking enough water, doing yoga, and exercising. Ayurvedic skin infection treatment can assist in controlling skin issues.


  • Nalpamaradi Keram– It aids in the treatment of skin infections. It treats eczema and is an Ayurvedic remedy.
  • Winsoria oil– The best psoriasis supplements are those containing winsoria oil. Using this oil can help treat symptoms like swelling, silvery scales, rashes, and discoloration.
  • Nimbadi Kwath– It enhances the condition of the skin. It is an anti-inflammatory substance that aids in treating skin inflammation.
  • Kumkumadi Oil– A popular skin care solution that helps to improve skin complexion is kumkumadi oil. It is moreover an Ayurvedic treatment for skin itch.
  • Mahathikthakam Ghrita– This is a ghee-herbalized capsule. It aids in the treatment of eczema.


  • Nyagrodha
  • Ashwatha
  • Raktachandana
  • Haridra
  • Coconut oil
  • Vidpala
  • Sariba
  • Kumkuma
  • Manjistha

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