Do This During Monsoon For Healthy Hair!
Does your hair feel Oily and Itchy?
During the monsoon season, Vata dosha imbalance can cause hair fall, hair frizz and dandruff, and itchiness on the scalp.
- Keep it clean and dry:
Regular hair and scalp washing with a good shampoo can help control sebum and Malassezia growth. You should wash your hair because excess moisture can make wet hair more conducive to the growth of bacteria, fungi, and even lice.
- Condition it right:
Monsoon moisture can cause frizz in your hair, but a good conditioner can help. Conditioning your hair adds a protective layer that can reduce the risk of rainwater damage. You could also use coconut or herbal oils to naturally condition your hair.
- Eat Healthily:
- Water, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and protein are all necessary for good hair health. Eggs, spinach, fatty fish, sweet potatoes, beans, yogurt, soybeans, and other foods should all be included in your diet.
- Ayurvedic hair lep :
-Mix mashed 1 banana and 2tbsp yogurt along with 1tbsp Honey till they are well blended.
-Apply this blend to moist hair from top to bottom.
-Then tie your hair up. You can also cover it by using a shower cap.
-Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
-Then, rinse with a mild shampoo.
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