Know More About Ayurvedic Oils!


Since the Vedic era, ayurvedic herbal oils have played a significant role in self-care practices. In essence, these oils are created by combining potent medicinal herbs with a base oil, sometimes referred to as a carrier oil, such as sesame oil, coconut oil, almond oil, mustard oil, sunflower oil, etc.

When applied to the skin, the infused Ayurvedic oil moisturizes while simultaneously providing the herbs’ therapeutic benefits. Since Ayurvedic oils may penetrate deeply into your tissues and support natural renewal, rubbing them onto your skin is the best way to use them. You can do this every day as part of your Abhyanga routine.

Vedic oils with the strength of all-natural ingredients are crucial since they are the best at maintaining the body’s healthy functioning and reducing stress. With its Vedic compositions, it can support the maintenance of healthy skin. Ensure the health of your muscles and joints as well.


  • Neelibringadi Keram – supports restful sleep and wholesome hair.
  • Sweet Almond Oil- The best Ayurvedic oil is sweet almond oil since it keeps your skin’s natural radiance. The oil is gentle, making it the perfect Ayurvedic oil for massaging babies. The oil supports your skin’s ideal level of moisture. This oil also promotes healthy muscles and joints.
  • Coconut Oil- The oil has a good amount of vitamin E, which helps to keep the skin looking young and healthy. It aids in maintaining the skin’s inherent moisture.
  • Sesame oil- Sesame oil can assist in preserving the natural appearance of your skin. The face and body benefit greatly from its use in abhyanga.
  • Sunflower oil- Linoleic and oleic acids included in sunflower oil aid to preserve the skin’s natural moisture content and texture. Additionally, it supports a healthy number of skin cells.
  • Neem oil- When combined with other carrier oils, it helps support the natural health of your skin. It can be used as an Ayurvedic oil in its undiluted form. It promotes supple, healthy skin.
  • Ashwagandha/Bala Oil- Ashwagandha is known for supporting strong, healthy muscles, and it enhances the nourishing properties of the organic sesame oil at the basis of this blend. It also enhances strength and endurance.
  • Kumkumadi oil- Experience the intense effects of lotus, saffron, and other components in this nourishing, potent oil. This oil helps retain your skin’s natural radiance and hydration.
  • Bhringaraj oil- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three doshas in our bodies that Bhringaraj addresses and soothes. The maintenance of a calm mind, good hair, beautiful skin, and a clear complexion are all benefits of bhringaraj oil. Additionally, it improves sleep, encourages hair growth, and prevents premature greying when applied to the scalp.
  • Mahanarayan Oil- More than 29 Ayurvedic herbs are used to make Mahanarayan oil. It is an effective Ayurvedic remedy that calms, fortifies, and nourishes strained muscles and tendons.
  • Kanaka Oil – This Ayurvedic oil promotes bright skin and is used in face massage oils.
  • Pinda Oil- Used as a moisturizer in foot and body massages, this external oil can calm Vata and Pitta as well as relieve burning skin sensations.
  • Prasaranyadi Oil- This additional external oil is used topically to muscles and bones to strengthen them and relieve stiffness.
  • Shadbindu Oil- This oil balances Kapha in your neck and head and is useful for nasal instillation.
  • Tungdrumadi Oil- This oil is used in head massages to calm the head and the eyes.



1. Eliminates body toxins and aids in weight loss.
Extra body weight is viewed in Ayurveda as a sign of body imbalance. When you receive an abhyanga massage, the medicated oils operate as a fat burner, eliminating all the toxins and impurities from your body.

2. Promotes deeper, more restful sleep while calming nerves.
Abhyanga is a highly nourishing experience for your skin, joints, neurological system, mind, and soul. The Ayurvedic massage uses oils that are heavy, stable, warm, calming, and grounding—all characteristics of sound sleep.

3. Reduces the signs of aging and softens and smoothed skin.
Your skin is protected from the damaging effects of the environment by abhyanga oil therapy, keeping it smooth and supple. With Abhyanga, your skin is moisturized and lubricated, increasing its resilience to dryness, cracking, and even bruising.

4. Enhances blood flow and revs up internal organs.
Abhyanga’s capacity to stimulate and nourish interior organs is an underappreciated advantage. The body’s capacity to remove toxins is optimized and the massage aids in fine-tuning organ function. Additionally, it revitalizes and energizes the body’s cells.

5. Helps the body detoxify.
Warm medicated oils are applied during abhyanga to deeply penetrate cells and discharge physical, mental, and spiritual pollutants, which completely cleanses the inside of the body.

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