Causes and Types of Diabetes!

What Is Diabetes? Diabetes is known as Madhumeha in Ayurveda. Vata Prameha is the term used to describe diabetes mellitus. It develops as a result of a Vata Dosha imbalance. Diabetes, commonly referred to as high blood sugar or hyperglycemia, is brought on by an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood. The pancreas releases insulin into the bloodstream […]

Manage Thyroid With These Tips!

To get the thyroid under effective control and prevent complications, effective management of the thyroid using the integrative approach is required. Diet without sugar Consume vitamin B Diet free of gluten. Eat less toxic food. Increase Your Intake of Good Fat Maintain Blood Sugar Balance Consume beans and peas AYURVEDIC THERAPIES FOR THYROID- The Ayurvedic practice of Panchakarma, a body […]

Thyroid- Symptoms and Causes!

WHAT IS A THYROID? A little gland called the thyroid is found near the front of the neck (Vishuddi Chakra), around the trachea. Your body contains glands, which produce and release compounds that aid various bodily functions. Your thyroid produces hormones that assist in regulating a number of important bodily functions. The thyroid develops and generates hormones that are involved […]

Know all about Skin Diseases!

Skin diseases can be brought on by an imbalance in one of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha), according to Ayurveda. Rashes, inflammation, itching, and other skin changes can be brought on by these diseases. While some skin diseases may be hereditary, others may be brought on by a person’s lifestyle. All problems that obstruct, irritate, or inflame your […]

Tips To Get A Better Skin!

Tips to follow for different skin types: NORMAL SKIN TYPE Use sunscreen both outside and indoors to protect your skin from UV radiation from open windows and electronic devices. A broad-spectrum product with a minimum SPF of 30 will do the trick, however, you may need to reapply if you plan to spend time outside. No matter what your skin […]

Identify Your Skin Type!

Skin is categorized based on sebum secretion, moisture, and sensitivity level, among other elements that affect its balance. As a result, each type of skin will differ in its characteristics and requirements. Although it will also be influenced by other variables and have the potential to alter over time, genetics determines the kind of skin. There are five categories of […]

How to Maintain Healthy Hair!

Here are some ways that can help you keep healthy hair! Eating a Balanced Diet The hair follicles are strengthened and nourished from within by healthy nutrients. To delay premature hair loss and early greying, a well-balanced diet is essential.  Foods that are good for healthy hair include white sesame seeds, fresh coconut, green vegetables, and a diet high in […]

Know Your Hair Type Through Tridosha!

WHAT IS HAIRCARE? The word “hair care” refers to various aspects of both cosmetology and hygiene. The way one should take care of their hair will vary depending on their hair type and the different hair processes that can be used. Hair is a representation of the diversity in humankind because not all hair is created equal. Hair maintenance is […]

Know More About Kapha Dosha!

SYMPTOMS OF KAPHA IMBALANCE: Here are some symptoms- Fullness Lack of energy Laziness Oversleeping Constipation Lack of appetite Nausea excessive saliva Diarrhea Indigestion mouth taste: sweet   HOW TO BALANCE KAPHA: Even though those with the Kapha dosha are thought to be active, a Kapha imbalance in the body can cause problems such as weight gain, fluid retention, allergies, and […]

Know More About Pitta Dosha!

SYMPTOMS OF PITTA IMBALANCE: The summertime is referred to as the pitta season because of its hot, greasy, and light qualities. Overheating in the body, indigestion, gas, and acidity. The buildup of pitta dosha is caused by a variety of circumstances. Among the most noteworthy of them are: Joint inflammation Diarrhea Constipation Nausea Poor breath Smelly body Excessive sweat   […]