Tips To Get A Better Skin!

Bad to Good Skin aarivayu

Tips to follow for different skin types:

  1. Use sunscreen both outside and indoors to protect your skin from UV radiation from open windows and electronic devices. A broad-spectrum product with a minimum SPF of 30 will do the trick, however, you may need to reapply if you plan to spend time outside.
  2. No matter what your skin type, make sure to hydrate your skin frequently.
  3. Every night before bed, take off your makeup. Sleeping with clean skin is essential for allowing it to breathe because makeup can clog pores.
  4. To maintain the healthiest possible condition of your skin, stay hydrated all day long.
  1. Use chemical-free products.
  2. Vitamin supplements can bolster your skin’s defenses against irritants. In some cases, reducing inflammation brought on by hot temperatures can be accomplished by using chilled lotions that have been stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Avoid using alcoholic compounds and toners on sensitive skin.
  4. Speak with a doctor to determine the best items to use on your skin and determine their pH balance.
  1. It is crucial to moisturize dry skin, and it is advised to do so twice daily.
  2. Avoid the practice of taking long or hot showers because they might deplete your skin’s natural oils, leaving it dry. After a shower, let your skin dry naturally.
  3. To seep some moisture into your skin, utilize a humidifier in your home.
  1. Always use a moisturizer after cleansing your skin with an oil-absorbing cleanser.
  2. Make use of light products
  3. Avoid over washing or skipping the moisturizer as this can increase the production of oil. Use plain water instead if you do feel the urge to wash your face more frequently on a given day.
  4. Use rice papers and blotting papers to quickly remove oil from your face.
  5. Wash your face with lukewarm water and a mild cleanser using any of the herbs listed below-
    Chandana \ Daruharidra
    Sariva \ Arishtaka
    Naranga \ Kesar \ Nimba
  1. To prevent overstimulating the bigger pores of your T-zone, use a mild cleanser.
  2. Create two customized skincare regimens for your face. For instance, you can simply cure the excessive oiliness by applying some mattifying cleansers and toners to your T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin). Similar to this, only apply thick creams to your face’s dry areas.
  3. Avoid buying too many oil-infused skin care products generally because they can be extremely heavy on the T-zone.

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